Honduras washed Arabica SHG EP Siguatepeque, Los Geranios

Verfügbare Menge: 95 Sack à 69kg
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Unit of Measure Sack à 69kg
Status Unshipped
Warehouse At Origin
Crop 24/25
Charge 103571.2
Variety Various
Region Siguatepeque
Process Washed
Grade SHG EP
Brand Los Geranios

Located in the very middle of Central America, Honduras is a country that shows off its natural beauty. Mountainous landscapes covered with endless forests and jungles with abundant wildlife are characteristic of this beautiful country. Some people even refer to Honduras as the „green lung“ of Central America.

This coffee, a special L+B brand called Los Geranios, is cultivated at the heights of the exuberant mountains within the Comayagua and Montecillos mountain ranges. The region lies in western central Honduras, at about 1,100 meters above sea level. With its mild climate, it offers excellent conditions to grow high-quality coffee. Additionally, the area is very dense with tropical rainforest, so coffee is often grown in the shadow of many native plants.

Los Geranios was produced by smallholder farmers in the region who are members of COHORSIL. The cooperative was founded in 1980 and has more than 40 years of experience in coffee production, following socially and environmentally responsible practices to take care of the region‘s natural resources. Farmers implement best agricultural practices and special techniques to continuously increase their productivity and improve the quality of their coffees.

Coffees grown by the approximately 1,200 members are mostly of the Catuai, Parainema, and Ihcafe-90 varieties. During the harvest, the coffee cherries are hand-picked with great care before being processed in the cooperative’s wet mill. After being de-pulped and fermented, the beans are then thoroughly washed with clean water to remove any remaining mucilage or debris and then dried on patios until reaching the desired moisture level, around 12.5%.

Located in the very middle of Central America, Honduras is a country that shows off its natural beauty. Mountainous landscapes covered with endless forests and jungles with abundant wildlife are characteristic of this beautiful country. Some people even refer to Honduras as the „green lung“ of Central America.

Although Honduras is producing more coffee than Costa Rica and Guatemala combined, little is known about it in the specialty scene. Over decades banana was the predominant cash crop in Honduras.

While neighboring countries had governmental initiatives to foster smallholder coffee growth, Honduran coffee production gained little recognition aside from the commodity market. Lack of infrastructure was the main reason why high-quality coffees could not be distinguished from other produce. However, in the past few years, the Honduran national coffee institute IHCAFE has put quite some effort into educating the farmers for them to be able to improve processing and growing techniques.

By creating a widespread network of producers and washing stations even in remote areas, the interest in high-quality coffee production grew. Nowadays, especially coffees from smallholder cooperatives have managed to make their way to cross the sea and spoil us with their divine sweetness.


CONTINENTCentral America
COFFEE REGIONSMarcala (Montecillos), Copán, Comayagua, El Paraiso, Opalaca, Agalta
COFFEE ALTITUDES1,000 – 1,600 masl.
VARIETIESBourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Pacas, Typica
COFFEE FARMSSmallholders and plantations
2021 - present, List & Beisler GmbH